Warehouse No. 4
"The world is either a better place or a worse place because you are in it; no one has a neutral influence." -RDW
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
"Britney & Kevin" [XT] for Extremely Trashy
WARNING...You will be dumber if you watch this show!

If only there had been such a public service announcement scrolling along the bottom of the screen when I tuned in. Unfortunately there was not. So, what do you get when you cross breed the worst of a Louisiana trailer park with the street scum of an LA ghetto? Apparently, you get Britney Spears and her reality show, Britney and Kevin. Within 30 minutes she manages to paint her self as a moral degenerate as well as display her boyfriend's (now husband's) diminished faculties (which are aptly displayed as he philosophizes about love and marriage). How much profanity can be espoused or sexual escapades related doing 30 minutes to an hour? Well, if you are Britney Spears it is as much as UPN can stomach or the network censors will allow(which is a lot judging from tonight's premier).

It really was horrible. Britney, role model? I don't think so! Future "has been" strung out on drugs. Quite possibly. In serious need of a personal relationship with Jesus, definitely. Should any child, preteen, teen or adult watch...No way! Should UPN pull it off air just out of decency and a desire to save any reputation they might have as a family conscious network...YES!

I have to go repent now and erase UPN from my channel lineup.
posted by Rickie @ 8:54 PM   4 comments
Friday, May 13, 2005
May 13, 2005 Question of the day
Is it me or is Burger King's iconic mascot (aka.,"The Burger King") scary? If it is him or the clown, I am hanging out with Ronald McDonald. I mean really, when did you ever see a commercial with Ronald staring at you while you slept or peeping in your window as you were getting dressed in the morning. The King seems a little to much like um...I dunno know...a stalker.
posted by Rickie @ 5:41 PM   3 comments
About Me

Name: Rickie
Home: United States
About Me: I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Apologetics. This site is intended to stimulate discussion, as well as, inform. I welcome differing opinions, especially opposing views that engage me intellectually and challenge me to think in new ways. I may continue to disagree with you, but I welcome the dialogue. The beautiful woman in the picture with me is my wife. I personally think I married one of the most giving and beautiful women in all the world, an opinion that is not open for debate.
See my complete profile

Jesus wants a child's heart and a grown-up's head. ~C.S. Lewis

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