Warehouse No. 4
"The world is either a better place or a worse place because you are in it; no one has a neutral influence." -RDW
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Oscar Is Not So Passionate
Link Above: More on the snubbing of The Passion.
posted by Rickie @ 10:10 PM   3 comments
A Passionate Response To The Oscars
Okay, I am sure by now there has been plenty of opinions voiced over the Academy's snubbing of Mel Gibson's The Passion. Yet, there is at least one more to be offered, mine. I will not watch the Oscars this year. Should my refusal to tune in incite a national controversy, so be it (I know. I am only deluding myself.). However, if my actions should become contagious and infect others and in turn cause a national boycott of the Oscars, I will undoubtedly be labeled intolerant, a rightwinged looney or some other small-minded name in hope of minimizing an influential and commonsense response. I will of course wonder most of the night if an intolerant poke or jab was made by some "Hollywood elite" about Christianity (as demonstrated by Kevin Bacon and his fellow announcer during this year's Grammys). The truth seems to be that they (whoever they may be) can espouse their worldview all day long, but if a lowly citizen should choose to boycott an event like the Oscars, or a movie, or a CD/DVD then in their eyes tolerance has been denied and their subjective morality is offended. Still, a celebrity is a celebrity only because the people make them one. I for one think it is time to send a few back to waiting tables, mopping floors, collecting garbage or whatever honest day's work they can find to put food on their table. Those who abuse their celebrity status by offering unelected, unsolicited opinions from a platform (e.g., the Oscars) unavailable to other citizens should not be tolerated. I pay to hear them sing and do a little jig, not to indoctrinate people through the silverscreen and the boob tube. So, should you like me feel the need to read a book, take a walk or catch up with an old friend while the Oscars are on...don't forget to turn your television to a station other than the one showing the Oscars. Better yet, turn off your TV, unplug it and pretend just for a few hours that Hollywood doesn't have a controlling influence in your home. Demonstrate a little "passion" on the night of the Oscars by sending a silent message to Hollywood in the form of low ratings.
posted by Rickie @ 5:20 PM   1 comments
About Me

Name: Rickie
Home: United States
About Me: I am currently working on a Master of Arts in Apologetics. This site is intended to stimulate discussion, as well as, inform. I welcome differing opinions, especially opposing views that engage me intellectually and challenge me to think in new ways. I may continue to disagree with you, but I welcome the dialogue. The beautiful woman in the picture with me is my wife. I personally think I married one of the most giving and beautiful women in all the world, an opinion that is not open for debate.
See my complete profile

Jesus wants a child's heart and a grown-up's head. ~C.S. Lewis

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